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PhD/MSc Alumni


Supervisor: William J. Welch
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Instantaneous Dynamics of Functional Data
Supervisor: Nancy E. Heckman
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Cox-LASSO Regularized Supervised Principal Components in Regression for DLBCL Cancer
First Position: Statistical Analyst: Department of Breast and Molecular Oncology, BC Cancer Agency
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Identification of Worsening Subjects and Treatment Responders in Comparative Longitudinal Studies
Supervisor: John Petkau, Yinshan Zhao
Program: PhD
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Stochastic Processes, Statistical Inference and Efficient Algorithms for Phylogenetic Inference
First Position: Quantitative Analyst, Google
Current Position: Quantitative Analyst, Google
Program: PhD
Thesis Title: Assessing performance of classiers by cross-validation based on binary data
Supervisor: Jiahua Chen
Program: MSc


Thesis Title: Statistical Methods for Relating Strength Properties of Dimensional Lumber
Program: PhD
Thesis Title: Instrumental Variables Selection: A Comparison between Regularization and Post-Regularization Methods
First Position: Statistician- Medical Research Council, Lifecourse, Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, UK
Program: MSc
