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The Number of Relatively Prime Subsets of a Finite Union of Sets of Consecutive Integers. Journal of Integer Sequences, 17, p.3.
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, 2014. Proteomic biomarkers of recovered heart function. European journal of heart failure, 16, pp.551–559.
, 2014. PyClone: statistical inference of clonal population structure in cancer. Nature Methods, 11, pp.396–398.
, 2014. Reducing estimation bias in adaptively changing monitoring networks with preferential site selection. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 8, pp.1640–1670.
, 2014. Reducing estimation bias in adaptively changing monitoring networks with preferential site selection. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 8, pp.1640–1670.
, 2014. Relations between hidden regular variation and the tail order of copulas. Journal of Applied Probability, 51, pp.37-57.
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, 2014. A Sieve model for extreme values. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 84, pp.1692–1710.
, 2014. The Sparse MLE for Ultrahigh-Dimensional Feature Screening. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109, pp.1257–1269.
, 2014. Statistical modeling and forecasting of fruit crop phenology under climate change. Environmetrics, 25, pp.621–629.
, 2014. Stochastic analysis of life insurance surplus. INSURANCE MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, 56, pp.1-13.
, 2014. Strength of tail dependence based on conditional tail expectation. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 123, pp.143-159.
, 2014. Switching nonparametric regression models. JOURNAL OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS, 26, pp.617-637.
, 2014. Type I interferon signaling genes in recurrent major depression: increased expression detected by whole-blood RNA sequencing. Molecular psychiatry, 19, pp.1267–1274.
, 2014. Variation and Genetic Control of Gene Expression in Primary Immunocytes across Inbred Mouse Strains. JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 193, pp.4485-4496.
, 2014. Vitamin D as an early predictor of multiple sclerosis activity and progression. JAMA neurology, 71, pp.306–314.
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