STAT 520A: Topics in Bayesian Analysis and Decision Theory |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 520A Outline |
Alexandre Bouchard-Côté |
STAT 550: Techniques of Statistical Consulting |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 550 Outline (2020WT2) (Tent.) |
Lang Wu |
STAT 306: Finding Relationships in Data |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 306 Outline (2020WT1) (2020WT2 outline will be similar) |
Bruce Dunham |
STAT 306: Finding Relationships in Data |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 306 Outline (2020WT1) |
STAT 443: Time Series and Forecasting |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 443 Outline (2020WT2) |
Natalia Nolde |
STAT 200: Elementary Statistics for Applications |
2019 |
Winter |
STAT 200 Outline (2019WT1) |
Melissa Lee, W. A. Lasantha Premarathna |
STAT 561: Statistical Theory II |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 461/561 Outline (2020WT2) |
Jiahua Chen |
STAT 404: Design and Analysis of Experiments |
2018 |
Winter |
STAT 404 Outline (2018WT1) |
Harry Joe |
STAT 443: Time Series and Forecasting |
2018 |
Winter |
STAT 443 Outline (2018WT2) |
Harry Joe |
STAT 545A: Exploratory Data Analysis |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 545A Outline (2020WT1) |
STAT 545B: Exploratory Data Analysis |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 545B Outline (2020WT2) |
STAT 535A: Statistical Computing |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 535A Outline (2020WT2) |
Daniel J. McDonald |
STAT 251: Elementary Statistics |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 251 Outline (2020WT2) |
W. A. Lasantha Premarathna |
STAT 300: Intermediate Statistics for Applications |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 300 Outline (2020WT2) |
W. A. Lasantha Premarathna |
STAT 201: Statistical Inference for Data Science |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 201 Outline (2020WT2) |
Rodolfo Lourenzutti |
STAT 540: Statistical Methods for High Dimensional Biology |
2020 |
Winter |
STAT 540 Outline (2020WT2) |
Keegan Korthauer |
STAT 251: Elementary Statistics |
2021 |
Summer |
STAT 251 Outline (2021S) |
W. A. Lasantha Premarathna |
STAT 447B: Special Topics in Statistics |
2021 |
Winter |
stat_447b_outline_2021wt1.pdf |
STAT 536E: Statistical Theory for the Design and Analysis of Clinical Studies |
2021 |
Winter |
stat_536e_outline_2021wt2.pdf |
STAT 547M: Topics in Statistics - STAT OF EXTREMES |
2021 |
Winter |
outline_stat547m_fall2021.pdf |
Natalia Nolde |