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Statistics PhD student Olivia Liu won the BC Graduate Scholarship (BCGS)

Jiaping (Olivia) Liu, a senior PhD student in our graduate program, has been awarded the prestigious BC Graduate Scholarship (BCGS) for her outstanding contributions to the field of computational statistics and computational biology.

2025 UBC Vancouver Summer Program: Data Science Essentials

The Department of Statistics at the University of British Columbia is pleased to offer "Data Science Essentials: Statistics, Tools, and Techniques" as part of the UBC Vancouver Summer Program.

CANSSI Collaborative Research Teams (CRT) Grant Awarded to Profs. Alexandre Bouchard-Côté and Trevor Campbell

UBC Statistics professors Alexandre Bouchard-Côté and Trevor Campbell are co-leading, in collaboration with Philippe Gagnon (UdeM) and Liangliang Wang (SFU), a new CANSSI Collaborative Research Team (CRT) project on distributed MCMC...

New PhD Track Admission Stream

The Department of Statistics of the University of British Columbia is pleased to announce a new admission stream.

Effective now, we offer a PhD Track stream for strong undergraduate students expecting to graduate in Spring 2025 interested in a PhD in Statistics. Admission under this new stream is in a MSc program but with guaranteed transition to PhD at the end of year one subject to satisfying program requirements. This track is intended for exceptional undergraduate students with...

Free Statistical Consultation: 2024/25

The Statistics Department offers several types of free statistical consultation, via STAT 450/550/540, SOS, and STAT 551, as follows:

  • STAT 450/550/540: Term 2 only, open to anyone, via students mentored by faculty; accepting projects for term 2 2024-25 from now until Dec 15
  • SOS (Statistical Opportunity for Students): year-round, UBC-V graduate students only, via a team of a senior Statistical consultant and a Statistics graduate...

Prof. Marie Auger-Méthé Featured in New Royal Society of Canada (RSC) Video

As you know, Associate Professor Marie Auger-Méthé was recently named a new member of the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. This Friday, November 8, she will be formally inducted as a Member of the Royal Society of Canada.

In celebration of this prestigious honour, the Royal Society of Canada has released a new video featuring Marie. In the video, she shares insights into her...

Associate Professor Marie Auger-Méthé Named New Member of Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars

We are thrilled to announce that Marie Auger-Méthé, Associate Professor in Statistics and the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, has been named one of the new members of the College of New Scholars, Artists, and Scientists by the Royal Society of Canada (RSC).

Recipients of the 2024 Dr. John and Barbara Petkau Scholarship

This year’s recipients of the Dr. John and Barbara Petkau Scholarships are Jessie Liang and Jade Bouchard!

Free Statistical Consultation: 2024/25

The Statistics Department offers several types of free statistical consultation, via STAT 551, SOS and STAT 450/550/540, as follows:

  • STAT 551: Term 1 only, open to anyone, via students in STAT 551 mentored by faculty; accepting projects for term 1 2024-25 from now until Nov 3
  • SOS (Statistical Opportunity for Students): year-round, UBC-V graduate students only, via a team of a senior Statistical consultant and a Statistics graduate...

UBC Statistics Grad Students Recognized for Outstanding Presentations at CSSC 2024

Parham Pishrobat, a master's student in Statistics, earned the second prize for his oral presentation in the master’s section at the 12th Annual Canadian Statistics Student Conference (CSSC), held on June 1, 2024, at Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
