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Publications by Department Members


Liu Y, Salibian-Barrera M, Zamar RH, Zidek JV. Using Artificial Censoring to Improve Extreme Tail Quantile Estimates. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C [Internet]. 2018; 67(4): 791-812. DOI: 10.1111/rssc.12262 URL:
Maronna RA, Martin DR, Yohai VJ, Salibian-Barrera M. Robust Statistics: Theory and Methods (with R). 2nd ed. Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics. New York: John Wiley & Sons Ltd ; 2018. p. 464. DOI: 10.1002/9781119214656 Software:,
Nolde N, Zhang J. Conditional extremes in asymmetric financial markets. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 2018;.
Resende-Casquilho C, Le ND, Zidek JV. Design of Monitoring Networks using k-Determinantal Point Processes. Environmetrics. 2018; 29: Accepted Oct 14, 2017.
Shaddick G, Thomas M, Jobling A, Brauer M, van Donkelaar A, Burnett R, et al. Data Integration Model for Air Quality: A HierarchicalApproach to the Global Estimation of Exposures to Ambient Air Pollution. Applied Statistics. 2018; 67: 231-253.
Shupler M, Godwin W, Frostad J, Gustafson P, Arku RE, Brauer M. Global estimation of exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2. 5) from household air pollution. Environment international. Elsevier; 2018; 120: 354–363.
Wong S, Zidek JV. Dimensional and statistical foundations for accumulated damage models. Wood Science and Technology. 2018; 52: 45-65.
Xia M, Gustafson P. Bayesian inference for unidirectional misclassification of a binary response trait. Statistics in medicine. Wiley Online Library; 2018; 37: 933–947.
Zhang A, others . Interfaces of Malignant and Immunologic Clonal Dynamics in Ovarian Cancer. Cell. 2018; 173: 1755–1769.
Zhao B, Chang B, Jie Z, Sigal L. Modular Generative Adversarial Networks. In European Conference on Computer Vision. 2018.
Zhou G, Wu L. Modeling semi-continuous longitudinal data with order constraints. Statistics in Medicine. 2018;.
Zhu G, Chen J. Multi-Parameter One-Sided Monitoring Tests. Technometrics. 2018; 60: 398–407.
Zidek JV, LUM CONROY. Statistical challenges in assessing the engineering properties of forest products. Annual review of statistics and its application - invitation only. 2018; 5: 237-264.


Béliveau A, Goring S, Platt RW, Gustafson P. Network meta-analysis of disconnected networks: How dangerous are random baseline treatment effects?. Research synthesis methods. Wiley Online Library; 2017; 8: 465–474.
Boente G, Martínez A, Salibian-Barrera M. Robust estimators for additive models using backfitting. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics [Internet]. Taylor & Francis; 2017; 29: 744-767. DOI: 10.1080/10485252.2017.1369077 URL: Software:
Bouchard-Côté A, Doucet A, Roth A. Particle Gibbs split-merge sampling for Bayesian inference in mixture models. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2017; 18: 1–39.
Bouchard-Côté A, Vollmer SJ, Doucet A. The Bouncy Particle Sampler: A non-reversible rejection-free Markov chain Monte Carlo method. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 2017; (Accepted).
Burstyn I, Gustafson P, Pintos J, Lavoué J, Siemiatycki J. Correction of odds ratios in case-control studies for exposure misclassification with partial knowledge of the degree of agreement among experts who assessed exposures. Occup Environ Med. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd; 2017;: oemed–2017.
Cai S, Chen J, Zidek JV. Hypothesis testing in the presence of multiple samples under density ratio models. Statistica Sinica. 2017; 27: 716–783.
Campbell H, Gustafson P. Conditional Equivalence Testing: an alternative remedy for publication bias. arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.01771. 2017;.
Casquilho-Resende CM, Le ND, Zidek JV. Spatio-temporal modelling of temperature fields in the Pacific Northwest. Environmetrics. 2017;: Resubmitted.
Chen J. Consistency of the MLE under mixture models. Statistical Science. Institute of Mathematical Statistics; 2017; 32: 47–63.
Chen J. On finite mixture models. Statistical Theory and Related Fields. Taylor & Francis; 2017; 1: 15–27.
de Jong HJI, Kingwell E, Shirani A, Cohen-Tervaert JW, Hupperts R, Zhao Y, et al. Evaluating the safety of beta-interferons in multiple sclerosis: A series of nested case-control studies. Neurology. 2017; 88: 2310-2320. DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000004037
de Souza CPE, Heckman NE, Xu F. Switching nonparametric regression models for multi-curve data. Canadian Journal of Statistics [Internet]. 2017; 45: 442–460. DOI: 10.1002/cjs.11331 URL:
Deligiannidis G, Bouchard-Côté A, Doucet A. Exponential ergodicity of the Bouncy Particle Sampler. arXiv. 2017; 1705.04579.
Ding X, Qiu Z, Chen X. Sparse transition matrix estimation for high-dimensional and locally stationary vector autoregressive models. Electronic Journal of Statistics. 2017; 11: 3871–3902.
Högg T, Petkau J, Zhao Y, Gustafson P, Wijnands JMA, Tremlett H. Bayesian analysis of pair-matched case-control studies subject to outcome misclassification. Statistics in medicine. Wiley Online Library; 2017; 36: 4196–4213.
Högg T, Petkau J, Zhao Y, Gustafson P, Wijnands JMA, Tremlett H. Bayesian analysis of pair-matched case-control studies subject to outcome misclassification. Statistics in Medicine. 2017; 36(26). DOI: 10.1002/sim.7427
Högg T, Petkau J, Zhao Y, Gustafson P, Wijnands JMA, Tremlett H. Bayesian analysis of pair-matched case-control studies subject to outcome misclassification. Statistics in Medicine. 2017; 36: 4196-4213. DOI: 10.1002/sim.7427
Homrighausen D, McDonald DJ. Risk consistency of cross-validation for lasso-type procedures. Statistica Sinica [Internet]. 2017; 27: 1017–1036. URL:
Hua L, Joe H. Multivariate dependence modeling based on comonotonic factors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 2017; 155: 317-333. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmva.2017.01.008
Islam N, Krajden M, Shoveller J, Gustafson P, Gilbert M, Buxton JA, et al. Incidence, risk factors, and prevention of hepatitis C reinfection: a population-based cohort study. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Elsevier; 2017; 2: 200–210.
Islam N, Krajden M, Gilbert M, Gustafson P, Yu A, Kuo M, et al. Role of primary T-cell immunodeficiency and hepatitis B coinfection on spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C: The BC Hepatitis Testers Cohort. Journal of viral hepatitis. Wiley Online Library; 2017; 24: 421–429.
Islam N, Krajden M, Shoveller J, Gustafson P, Gilbert M, Wong J, et al. Hepatitis C cross-genotype immunity and implications for vaccine development. Scientific reports. Nature Publishing Group; 2017; 7: 12326.
Joe H. Parametric copula families for statistical models. In: Ubeda-Flores M, de Amo-Artero E, Durante F, Fernandez-Sanchez J. Copulas and Dependence Models with Applications: Contributions in Honor of Roger B. Nelsen [Internet]. Berlin: Springer; 2017. pp. 119–134. URL:
Jun S-H, Wong SWK, Zidek JV, Bouchard-Côté A. Sequential Graph Matching with Sequential Monte Carlo. In AISTATS. 2017. pp. 1075–1084.
Jun S-H, Bouchare-Cote A. Sequential graph matching with sequential monte carlo. Wonlg SWK. 20th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. Fort Lauderdale, Florida: AISTATS; 2017.
Karim MEhsanul, Petkau J, Gustafson P, Tremlett H, Group TBeams Stud. On the application of statistical learning approaches to construct inverse probability weights in marginal structural cox models: hedging against weight-model misspecification. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. Taylor & Francis; 2017; 46: 7668–7697.
Karim ME, Petkau J, Gustafson P, Tremlett H, Group BAMSStudy. On the application of statistical learning approaches to construct inverse probability weights in marginal structural Cox models: Hedging against weight-model misspecification. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 2017; 46: 7668-7697. DOI:
