PhD/Msc Alumni

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PhD/Msc Alumni


Thesis Title: Identification of risk groups : study of infant mortality in Sri Lanka
Supervisor: Frederick P. Glick
First Position: Department of Statistics, SCARL
Current Position: BC Cancer Agency
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Trend analysis of monthly acid rain data - '80 -'86
First Position: PhD student, UBC
Current Position: Research Triangle Institute
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Local parametric poisson models for fisheries data
First Position: UBC Dept of Medical Genetics
Program: MSc


Thesis Title: A statistical analysis of finding the best predictor of success in first year calculus at the University of British Columbia
Supervisor: Harry Joe
First Position: Statistician, University of Victoria
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Disagreement : estimation of relative bias or discrepancy rate
Supervisor: Frederick P. Glick
First Position: Department of Statistics UBC as consultant and lecturer
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: A statistical analysis of electroencephalographic spikes in benign Rolandic. epilepsy of childhood
Supervisor: Michael Schulzer
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Statistical modelling of sediment concentration
Program: MSc


Thesis Title: Modelling survival rates in bilateral breast cancer
Supervisor: Nancy Reid
First Position: Statistician, UBC Faculty of Medicine Pulmonary Research Laboratory, Vancouver
Current Position: Senior Scientific Editor, NATO C3 Agency, The Hague, Netherlands
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Statistical analysis of the temporal-spatial structure of pH levels from the MAP3S/PCN monitoring network
Supervisor: John Petkau
First Position: PhD student, University of Washington
Current Position: BC Cancer Agency, and Adjunct Professor
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Smoothing locally regular processes by Bayesian nonparametric methods, with applications to acid rain data
Program: MSc
