PhD/Msc Alumni

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PhD/Msc Alumni


Thesis Title: Statistical and machine learning classification methods for credit ratings
Supervisor: Harry Joe
Current Position: PhD Student - Sauder School of Business, UBC
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Scalable sequential Monte Carlo methods and probabilistic approach to combinatorial problems
Program: PhD
Supervisor: Paul Gustafson
Program: MSc
Supervisor: Lang Wu
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Applying record value theory in combinatorial optimization with application to environmental statistics
Program: MSc
Thesis Title: Sequential ED-design for binary dose-response experiments
Supervisor: Jiahua Chen
Program: PhD
Thesis Title: Inference of Rates across Sites via an Expectation Maximization Algorithm
First Position: PhD Student - Dept. of Statistics, UBC
Program: PhD
Thesis Title: Multivariate one-sided tests for multivariate normal and mixed effects regression models with missing data, semi-continuous data and censored data
Supervisor: Lang Wu, Rollin F. Brant
Program: PhD

