Through awards funded by the Statistics Fund for Excellence, the Department honours and encourages outstanding Statistics undergraduate and graduate students. This fund also supports various initiatives designed to improve our student experience. Currently, the fund supports the Nash Medal (an undergraduate award), the Marshall Prize (a graduate award), and Graduate Teaching Awards. In 2017, the fund provided partial support for aspiring actuarial scientists to attend (and win!) a case competition at the Actuarial Students National Association Conference.
With your support of this Fund, the Department of Statistics can do even more to honour and support our extraordinary students. Please consider donating online or by cheque payable to UBC /Statistics Fund for Excellence to the Department of Statistics. Receipts for income tax purposes will automatically be issued to all donors. For more information on the Statistics Fund for Excellence, please see our online donation page or contact
Department of Statistics
3192 Earth Sciences Building
2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.822.0570
Fax: 604.822.6960
head [at] (subject: Inquiry%20re%20Statistics%20Fund%20for%20Excellence) (E-mail)