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Publications by James V. Zidek FRSC, O.C.


Samaradasa W, Zidek JV. A class of generalized Nash solutions for the two person bargaining problem with incomplete information. Stanford, California: Department of Statistics, Stanford University; 1976.
Shorrock RW, Zidek JV. An improved estimator of the generalized variance. The Annals of Statistics. 1976;: 629–638.


M Clevenson L, Zidek JV. Simultaneous estimation of the means of independent Poisson laws. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Taylor and Francis; 1975; 70: 698–705.
Buckland PG, Navin FPD, Zidek JV. Bridge traffic loads - are we overdesigning: Lion's Gate Bridge Study. Buckland and Taylor Ltd; 1975.



A Dawid PHILIP, Stone Mervyn, Zidek JV. Marginalization paradoxes in Bayesian and structural inference. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological). 1973;: 189–233.


Zidek JV. Inadmissibility of a class of estimators of a normal quantile. Ann Math Statist. 1971;: 1444–1447.


Zidek JV. Estimating scale parameter of exponential distribution with unknown scale with unknown location. Ann. Math. Statist. Inst Mathematical Statistics, IMS Business Office - suite 7, 3401 INVESTMENT BLVD, HAYWARD, CA 94545; 1970; 41: 1807.


Zidek JV. A representation of Bayes invariant procedures in terms of Haar measure. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Springer; 1969; 21: 291–308.


Zidek JV. On the admissibility of formal Bayes estimators. Stanford, California: Department of Statistics, Stanford University; 1967.


, Zidek JV. A sequence of limiting distributions of response probabilities. Psychometrika. Springer; 1965; 30: 491–497.
Rubin H, Zidek JV. Approximations to the distribution function of sums of independent chi random variables. Stanford, California: Department of Statistics, Stanford University; 1965.
Rubin H, Zidek JV. A waiting time distribution arising from the coupon collector's problem. Stanford, California: Department of Statistics, Stanford University; 1965.




Brewster JF, Zidek JV. Improving on equivariant estimators. Ann. Statist. JSTOR; 197AD;: 21–38.
Watson J, Zidek JV, Shaddick G. A general theory for preferential sampling in environamental networks. Annals of Applied Statistics.
Watson J, Zidek JV, Shaddick G. A general theory for preferential sampling in environamental networks. Annals of Applied Statistics.
Watson J, Zidek JV, Shaddick G. A general theory for preferential sampling in environamental networks. Annals of Applied Statistics.
Wu S, Zidek JV. An entropy based review of selected NADP-NTN network sites for. Atmospheric Environment. : 2089–2103.
Yang C-H, Zidek JV, Wong S. Bayesian analysis of accumulated damage models in lumber reliability. Technometrics.
Zidek JV, LUM CONROY. Statistics and Manufactured Forest Products: Assessing Their Engineering Properties in a Changing World. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Applications. Annual Reviews 4139 El Camino Way, PO Box 10139, Palo Alto, California 94303-0139, USA; 3: Submitted.
